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Stupidity, Idioticness, Ignorance, Intelligence, Wisdom and………?

Hi readers! Must be thinking “what is this nonsense?

Relax, these are BIG words that matter in conversation and decision making.

Unfortunately, I started the “promised” new series of blogs but as usual again detracted.  Someone sent me “quote of the day” (without source of the quote) saying,

“Never confuse education with intelligence, as you can have a PhD and still be an idiot” which forced me to blog on this subject.

Ben Franklin once said,

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”

How we say things that we say especially without realizing what we are saying, or we utter words during conversation, can leave deep impact on those who are listening and is therefore, the main focus of today’s blog.

Have you ever noticed that whenever we read something we always have knowingly or unknowingly in our mind, questions/confusion like

How could they think that way?

Don’t they realize that…?

What on earth were they thinking?

This is because we always confuse what is being “said” with the identity of the person who “said” without knowing background and without any understanding.

What is the rational of using such Big words?

People usually criticizes those who use big words for the sake of using big words or portraying themselves as intellectual. But current research in Princeton says, using big words will HURT you.

Let’s talk scientifically.

Princeton researchers ran three experiments:

First: they wrote three admissions essays,  one being original, second, of moderate complexity and third, being highly complicated.

Resultantly, simple essay was given higher ratings than the moderately complex, and moderately complex was given higher rating than the highly complex essay. Conclusion is that

Using big words can KILL your chance of success and you will face the consequences.

Second: in order to control the contents, two translations “simple” and “complex” were created.

Once again, complicated vocabulary negatively influenced rater’s assessment of the text which means, using big words makes people hate you.

Third: Researchers took the first 144 words of a piece of research. In one case, they left it intact, while in another case, they replaced all the words with nine or more letters with its second shortest entry in the Microsoft Word Thesaurus.

What happened?

When people read less complicated version, they assumed that the author was more intelligent than when reading the more complicated version.

Thus, the data clearly indicated:

Using big words makes people think you’re stupid. Stop using them.

Placed below are some BIG world which needs BIG thinking before using them in conversation and/or decision making, and it is only

for your information dear readers.

Ignorance: It’s easy to spot an ignorant decision: because  no one can understand how this could have happed? and ignorant person because it is difficult to digest, if he could do this?  Hence ignorance is a matter of not having enough facts, that cause one to slip into mistakes and/or blunders one after another that end up in a mess.

I again repeat here Benjamin Franklin’s quote,

“Being ignorant is not a shame as being unwilling to learn”.

Because we don’t and cannot know everything about anything hence, we all are ignorant.

Stupidity: It’s an abusive word which is not commonly used in conversation. A stupid person can be somebody who isn’t very smart or intellectual. It’s not his/her fault as “they are a bit slow.” Conversely,  we can have a person who is hard working but stupid.

Stupid decisions are ones where someone is not ignorant. They realize that it’s a mistake but make the decision anyway may be to satisfy their ego which is always falls especially in self-righteous peoples.

Example can be given for the people who are in Dunning-Kruger effects which is named after researchers “ David Dunning and Justin Kruger: the two social phycologist who first described it.

Dear readers do you remember? I have written details about “Dunning-Kruger effects” in two blogs:

Hiding fraud in science? How come? and

Credibility of the beholder off Esotericism.

You can read again the two to refresh your memory

It is a systematic way in which the context and framing of information influence the decision making and judgement of the effectee.

It is a cognitive/mental bias in which individual unknowingly or wrongly believing that they possess above average abilities of

performing a particular task whereas they are highly unskilled for that

In simple words , “stupid people are said to be under Dunning Kruger effects when they overestimate their capacity to deal with the consequences because they are unaware that they are under Dunning Kruger effects”.

Idiot person is worse than stupid. It means someone who does idiotic/stupid things, like blacken your own face by yourself.  It’s more of a behavior that reflects one’s attitude towards something or someone.  Someone can be intelligent but purposefully (or subconsciously) act like an idiot all the time.

Idioticness and stupidity describe things or the situations where unfavorable things happen for avoidable reasons,  or when something doesn’t work.  For example, writing blogs could be a stupid idea when the blogger felt that people either don’t have time to read or are not willing to read, hence it is a waste of time. But if a blog (or something) is written or said in idiotic way then perhaps it can initiate/result into a war (like the case of Salman Rushdie) or someone can be killed  (like late Governor Punjab Salman Taseer).

Idiot, Moron (whose mental development is above that of an imbecile but does not exceed that of a normal child of about twelve years) and Imbecile (whose development is higher than that of an idiot, but whose intelligence does not exceed that of a normal child of about seven years) have been used as technical classifications of mental retardation by Henry Herbert Goddard (a prominent American psychologist, eugenicist, and segregationist during the early 20th century) and that all these terms seeped/soaked into general usage as different ways of saying stupid.

According to Wikipedia.  “the term ‘idiot’ was used to refer people having an IQ of below 30”. I have seen, experienced and still dealing with those who

  • possess IQ less than 30,
  • earned their degrees fraudulently, by cheating, cooking and/or fabricating data,
  • use themselves within and out of the country for ulterior motives,
  • cheat people thinking (that they are smart) and others are ignorant or stupid,
  • destroy the country and fellow country people for personal reasons
  • safeguard the interests of others (for money) instead of their own country

What term would you like to use for them dear readers? Please do write me because I don’t have any idea

Intelligence doesn’t need much explanation. You’re reading this blog that speaks a loud. The only difference between a stupid and an intelligent decision is the outcome. If you gain something through reading this blog, consider it an intelligent decision and it you don’t, consider it a waste of time, or you can rate your decision of reading this blog as stupid because decisions are course corrections. People see the mistake coming and find ways to mitigate the consequences.

Wisdom is making decisions that remove the possibility of mistakes. It’s the difference between strategy and tactics. for example, the best way to win an argument with an idiot is to not have it in the first place. However,  the only path to wisdom is through experience, as Oscar Wilde said,

experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes.

We are all making these kinds of decisions all the time. For some decisions, it is difficult to step back. They change your identity forever. For example, you are “vaccinated”  (you cannot step back), you are “parent” or “murderer” from which you cannot step back but not all the decision are like that. For large proportion of them, there exists a potential for redemption, growth,  and understanding of each other’s choices and for making better decisions if one wishes so.

Nobody is wise all the time, and everybody is ignorant about something. Intelligent decisions can also turn out to be stupid (but not so much) because we’re humans, stressed, biased, tired, and subjected to the current chemicals in our brains as well as the world around us. Maybe we could just start making wise decisions by being gentle with ourselves, and each other?

Clever is someone who can use creative solutions (right or wrong) for a problem, a thief can be clever. Someone who is resourceful (legally or illegally) can also be called clever, however if you are intelligent, you can immediately judge (upon facing a clever person) what he is up to?

Cunning is the intellect that enslaves itself to the instinct of domination, and for this reason it loses every human trait (look around and you will find many analogies). True intelligence is that of those who act for the good of the community to which they belong. In this sense, intelligence is an ethical value.

Cunning people are outshining by fooling, tricking, or deceiving other people. Cunning people usually ask probing questions to get more insights into your personal life hence, it is much easier for a cunning person to trick, deceive and fool any person who’s strengths and weaknesses are known to him. Conversely, upon facing the cunning person,  the intelligent person will:

  • toss the ball back into his court,
  • become assertive,
  • change the topic,
  • start portraying cunning person’s weaknesses or
  • he will simply ignore him.

What will you do you dear readers?

Please do tell me know so that I can also follow you.

See you next week. Hope this time I will not be detracted. Bye.

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