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  • Some common questions that people usually ask about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI powered tools

Some common questions that people usually ask about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI powered tools

Hi readers!

You might also have questions about AI or AI powered Chat GPTs? If you do, you might find it here. If not then you can ask and I will answer separately however, some of the most common questions that people have asked along with their answers are placed below: 

Q1. Is there an AI powered tool that can write research papers?

Yes: Edraw can do this.

Edraw is a software that simplify complexity and turn ideas into reality. Edraw Mind is a diagramming technique used in mind mapping and idea visualizing solutions. It can create flow charts, organize charts, network diagrams and floor plans with over 20,000 free templates and a vast collection of symbol libraries.

Mind mapping is a diagramming technique for representing and organizing ideas around a central theme or topic. It is a method for generating ideas by association using keywords, phrases, concepts, facts and figuresMind mapping helps giving structure and clarity to the thoughts, and to show how they relate to each other.

Q2. Can AI write a scientific report? Yes

AI can write a quality, full-length review article quicker than a human alone. Provide AI the topic of your interested or do a full-length literature review by hand and then provide AI with that specific list of references to write a review article,

Q3. How to ask ChatGPT to improve scientific writing?

Give ChatGPT a rough draft and ask it to polish the grammar and composition, revise the structure to improve logical flow, or make it more concise. Or

Give ChatGPT an informally written draft, and ask it to rewrite it formally, specifying that the result should be in the style of papers in your field.

Q4. Can we use ChatGPT to make summaries of long articles, research papers, and book?. Yes! It can understand the necessary components.

Q5. Is it illegal to use AI to write articles? No, but please remember that only the work created by human authors are eligible for copyright protection. ChatGPT generated material cannot be protected under copyright law.  But work that combines human creativity with AI-generated material may be copyrighted if the human contribution is significant and identifiable.

Q6. Is it okay to use AI for research papers? Yes but:

You can’t use AI content directly in your work (this can create problems and be caught by the reviewers. This has happened with one of the papers published in Elsevier thereby making lots of hue and cry in the publishing world. Some sites and some institutions don’t allow AI-generated content. This issue can be tackled using article rewriters. These tools remove or lower the AI index but, it is imperative to consult the publishing company about her policy on the issue.

Q7. How AI generated material is identified in writings?

Through the nuance of the writing: Teachers can read the writing carefully and look for signs indicating article is written by AI.

For example, AI-generated writing may have unnatural language patterns, such as repeated phrases or sentences, or it may lack depth or personal connection.

Q8. Do journals check for AI?  Yes! All science journals now do this especially for image fraud check and plagiarism.

Q9. Can universities prove AI use? Yes! The percentage of potentially AI-generated sentences relative to the entire text, and other general text parameters of AI-detection models allows professors to get an accurate percentage of the result and a high-quality, reliable report. However, sentences that closely resemble human writing will not be highlighted.

Q10. How do reviewers know that my paper was written by AI?

If you yourself have not done it than, the obvious way is to let plagiarism checkers and AI detection software tools do the work.

There’s one more way: look for so-called “AI-ish” features. These are common signs of AI-generated content which include incorrect and outdated information.

Ish are informal situations or words to deliberately make the reference sound unclear and imprecise

Q11. Can AI be detected after paraphrasing? It is usually detected after paraphrasing or during review. However, since these technologies are built and encoded with the same working system for different purposes, they still work similarly.

Q 12. ChatGPT vs. Microsoft Copilot vs. Gemini: Which is the best AI chatbot?

Whatever you may use, please understand that all these tools put words together in a form that they think is statistically valid, but they don’t know if what they are saying is true or accurate

As a result, the received output might include invented facts, details, or other eccentricities or abnormalities. It can be a useful starting point but don’t expect it to be entirely accurate. This means we are involved in tasks that kill our time, creativity and energy to reconnect to the soul of our work. Therefore, a better way of doing the work is needed.

The next-generation AI is precisely that new way of working where Microsoft 365 Copilot will help us enhance our creativity and productivity at work.

“It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with data in Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps to turn the words into the most powerful productivity tool and the major step in the evolution of how we interact with computing, which will fundamentally change the way we work and unlock a new wave of productivity growth.”

The new copilot gives people more support and technology and will be more accessible through the most universal interface: the natural language (NL).

Q.12. How to use ChatGPT to find sources?

You can just ask ChatGPT to find the sources for your topic (please mention the name of the topic). Chat GPT will immediately start working and the output will be in bulleted form: every point of which explains what the source is and why it could be useful.

Q13. How to use ChatGPT to generate essay ideas?   

Assays are usually assigned with a prompt that gives flexibility for self-expression and analysis which help us finding task and angle to approach the essay. But is a trickiest part, and this is where ChatGPT can help. We only need to provide input as assignment topic and what is to be covered in the essay: the rest will be done by ChatGPT.

For example, give a prompt to Chat GPT like “Can you help me with an idea of a topic to write an assignment on Managerial Leadership Grid along with a historical figure ? Chatbot will respond immediately with the title of the essay, options of historical figures that could be included in the paper, with specific examples of a case study.

Q14. How to use chatbot to create an outline?

Just think about the point to be included in the essay? Ask ChatGPT to write the outline including all the points you want to touch upon in the essay.

As mentioned earlier, since Copilot is connected to the internet, it can include links and even sources to expedite the essay-writing process.

Q15. What is ChatGPT Plus?

It is a paid subscription of OpenAI’s which offers access to GPT-4 with web browsing, data analysis, and image creation capabilities and priority access to new features and lets you use the AI chatbot during peak times.

Q16. Can Chat GPT deliver a speech for a person who is not delivering a speech in person?

Yes. You can ask ChatGPT a question and then press the speaker button labeled “Read Aloud” to have it spoken to you in your chosen voiceAdditionally, with voice Conversations enabled, you can have hands-free back-and-forth conversations with ChatGPT using a combination of speech-to-text and text-to-speech models.

That’s all, dear readers. This is the last topic of this series and if there are some question(s) left kindly let me know and I will try my best to answer.

See you next week. Take care, Bye.

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