Discursive Deflection, Social media and Pakistan. Everyone understands the importance of social media under the current world scenario? It is being used (more misused) in Pakistan as it is in
The Havana Syndrome
Aristotle believes, “while fiction is impossible, it should not be implausible”. Which means a statement not seeming probable or reasonable? Havana syndrome is true to type of
The Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers
What are the general impact of these ARs? How to use of Atmosphere River as water resource? What is the impact of ARs on Economy? What is the role of climate change on ARs and, How to
HAARP: Conspiracy Theory or Cutting-Edge Technology?
HAARP: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is an ionosphere (ionized part of the upper atmosphere of earth from about 30- 600 miles above the sea level: a region that
The Idea so Powerful
Open eyes, see the land, the Azure, the sky and the “rising sun from the East.”
Isn’t it a powerful idea? Indeed, it is but do we understand the message contained therein? No, we don’t?
Power of the Idea and Idea so Powerful
John F. Kennedy once said: A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance. Ideas are inspirational. The idea: Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky?
Weather-modification: Prospects and Retrospect
On November 13, 1946, pilot Curtis Talbot, working for the General Electric Research Laboratory, climbed to an altitude of 14,000 feet about 30 miles east of Schenectady, New York. Talbot,
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025: A Research Paper Presented in August 1996 to the Air Force and described how the US Airforce would be in 2025?
Anyone who think that what the paper described in 1996 is not a today’s reality, better update your knowledge.
Let me explain in simple words what the force multiplier means?
Sky River or Atmospheric River?: a Promethean Concept that needs to be comprehended?
Atmospheric rivers begin as warm water storms over the Pacific Ocean, where evaporation creates a high concentration of moisture in the air. Predominant winds give ARs their
Borrow vision from China if you have to
Hi readers! Must be surprised why I said this? You have now read a lot about Atmospheric rivers. Now just read: Prologue to the Sky River and you will get the answer why I asked…