Hi readers! Hope you are now clear about what is and is not climate change? As the maps in the previous blog exhibited, the so-called climate change is giving us a HOPE and
Is the Data in Economic Surveys of Pakistan Fabricated?
Renowned Scientists and Agriculturist Dr. Swaminathan once said, “If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right.” Hi readers, are you now convinced (after
How Human Race has Changed the Earth?
Hi readers I am not saying this, but world-renowned scientist, author and authority said this. No one cane dare challenging him. His words are undeniable. But what he has said?
Dying Agriculture, Changing Climate (Oh No)?
Is it changing or not”? Stephen Hawking: a renowned, Physicist & Author once said, “One can see from space how the human race has changed the Earth. Nearly all of the available
Global Warming! Who is the Culprit? Greenhouse Gases or Climate Scientists?
Hi readers! You must now be familiar with what these greenhouse gases (GHG) are? How they have been and are being inducing global warming? This is what I promised for the current blog.
Climate is Changing Alarmingly? OMG, BUT HOW?
Hi readers, has your climate and/or environment changed or not? Hope you would have been trying it hard. Good luck to you. Experts says that global climate change has typically occurred
Climate Change: A Reality, Fiction, Fantasy, or Surreality? Is 2010 Around?
Hi readers how you doing? Hope you are enjoying reading the blogs and must be feeling proud that you are now “well informed” on certain common issues. Agreed?
What is the Credibility of the Beholder of Esotericism?
Hi readers, have you enjoyed reading esotericism and esoteric research? Must be astonished? Think about me who has seen it and now I am telling you something more on this. Fasten
Hiding Frauds in Science? How Come?
Hi readers don’t be surprised. It is possible through misuse by the hardcore (a small group of people within a larger group, who strongly believe in the group’s principles and
Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Humanity?
Hi readers! Are you enjoying the blogs on Artificial Intelligence? I hope so and also hope that this hope is forever. Pl. remember that I write these blogs to spread awareness under the theme