“The key lies in empowering the millions of smallholder producer and landless workers who form the backbone of rural economies in most developing countries to grow their
How much do we know about “Agricultural Biodiversity” and its Relationship with Food Security?
“It is impossible to talk about slowing change without talking about reducing CO2 emission, equally it is impossible to talk about adapting to climate without considering how we will feed ourselves,
Technical Options for Food Security
Hi readers! Are you ready for some more options for food security? Yes? WOW lets first talk about DESERTEC. How it would sound to you that: in just six hours, the world’s deserts receive
Alternatives: Tried and Tested for Food Security
You must have already been surprised to know how much food is being wasted at various stages and how much is being fed to the animals? If we are really concerned about global food
Food Security: What the Future Holds for Us?
The Holy Quran says, “our food is sent to this earth before we are born, we only have to search for that” So, why to worry? BUT, dear readers, the problem is that by 2050 we will be needing three
Methane: A Notorious Greenhouse Gas? Is it Controllable?
Hi readers! Yes, it is very much possible. Please don’t get carried away just by looking at topic. It is a bit technical, but you will enjoy reading it. It is based on a report that I wrote as an official assignment
Water Vapors: A Potent Green House Gas. Really?
I was thinking of starting a new series but, since I promised to talk on Water Vapors (WV) therefore, I am keeping that. The reason of selecting this topic was two statements appeared in an
Greenhouse Gases: The only Culprit of Perceived Global Warming? Oh No, it’s the Cement Industry Man
Hi readers! how is your understanding of climate. Do you now believe in climate change, or you think it is a political issue? In my view there is something in between “climate change
Hope, Opportunity, or Mess and Disaster? How the Perceived Climate Change is Seen?
Hi readers! Hope you are now clear about what is and is not climate change? As the maps in the previous blog exhibited, the so-called climate change is giving us a HOPE and
Is the Data in Economic Surveys of Pakistan Fabricated?
Renowned Scientists and Agriculturist Dr. Swaminathan once said, “If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right.” Hi readers, are you now convinced (after