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Democracy! What democracy?

Hi readers!

Democracy: the word that we have been listening since our childhood has not yet been understood in letter and spirit and that’s why the word has been grossly misused in our society. Social media is an added new tool to abuse this word. Provocative use of abusive and filthy language in our society is a price that we are paying for this evil.  

Democracy means a system of government in which all the eligible members of a state participate through elections or through elected representatives. We have inherited this democracy from Grate Britain like the one practiced in India and Pakistan and some other countries, but some countries preferred presidential form of democracy (for good reasons) in which President of the country(s) and Governors of different states are directly elected by all the eligible members of a state and the elected president than nominate various functionaries of the country and the states.

The grate poet of Pakistan Dr. Mohammad Iqbal alias Allama Iqbal said,

“Jumhooriat Ek Tarz-e-Hukumat Hai Ke Jis Mein Bandon Ko Gina Karte Hain, Tola Nahin Karte”

جمہوريت اک طرز حکومت ہے کہ جس ميں بندوں کو گنا کرتے ہيں ، تولا نہيں کرتے

Nobody has ever paid heed to what he said

We have been counting the elected peoples and those who elect them and never weigh the capability and credibility of both.  Here lies the core problem because in parliamentary democracy, credibility and capability doesn’t but electability matters which has brought us to where we are standing today and are facing the consequences.

For the true democracy,

We should first learn the:

values of freedom, which is a born right of every individual,

voting rights which is a basic and the most powerful right of every adult and

holding elections by universal right of vote,

Only then, democracy will provide an environment for the protection of human rights.

How many of these conditions are we fulfilling? Just ask yourself.

The countries that are successfully practicing true democracy, they first provided

quality education to their entire population which is necessary to know:

  • The difference between a human and an animal.,
  • That provide us knowledge about who we are? why we have been created? what are our responsibilities and obligations towards our home, society, country and culture?
  • that made us aware of what is happening in our surroundings, our country, around the country and the world and how it will affect us? and
  • what strategies are to be made under the circumstances to stay safe and productive?

Does our elected representative know and follow all these?

Now ask yourself about the quality of education?

As of November 26th, 2024,

Our current population was 252,858,539 (nearly 253 million with around 60% of those are less than 35 years of age, are half educated or are largely uneducated) despite the fact that some of them have been in the schools,

Do you think the stuff that we have produced and are producing after the year 2000 are educated? No, they are absolutely not (with few exception)? These are either half educated (Matric pass and FA fail), uneducated or  fake degree holders.

Most of those who sit at the helm of affair belongs to the above category. Ask them to write and 3-4 liner para in English language, they will certainly not be able to do it or will fail miserably. Just test this.

Do you think such people know how to and whom to vote? No. they will vote on the basis of their generation old family affiliation to some clan, cast, guddy holders and religious consideration.

Such votes are given as a favour and the benefits are extracted from the elected government in the form of relief from police cases, corruption cases, kidnapping for ransom, and hundreds of other types including money laundering which they do for the elected people and for themselves: a chain of crime thus, goes on and governess dwindled because everybody is compromised in this system. Only the quality of education can improve it, but the parents doesn’t realize the significance of education because they themselves are uneducated and have been born and brought up under such an environment. They only understand how to produce a dozen children who could earn for them through menial jobs. That is how we have accumulated a huge crowd of nearly 226 million uncouth people who usually sell their vote for some 100s and 1000s of rupees just because they consider it a tool for earning. Their poverty force them to do this which should be eradicated forthwith if we have to reap the benefit of true democracy.  

Pakistan’s literacy rate is 62.3%, which means about 60 million people in the country are illiterate, unskilled and largely unemployed. How can they raise their family and provide education to their nearly dozen children per family? Certainly, they will do menial job or a lucrative job “The begging” which in Pakistan is a big business with thriving exports.

Pease read the article at the following link

As of July 9th, 2024,  there are reportedly 38 million beggars in Pakistan,

The average daily estimated amount a beggar collects is Rs 2,000 in Karachi, 1,400 in Lahore, and Rs 950 in Islamabad (the daily Dawn had reported this two months ago). The national average amount per beggar is Rs. 850.

The beggars extracts about 42 billion dollars (12% of Pakistan’s GDP) annually from our economy which is not securely held or is in dangerous position, likely to fall or collapse with just a small jerk like we are facing currently

Why has begging risen so alarmingly is another question?

Four reasons:

Firstly, being Muslim, if somebody beg in the name of Allah (Almighty), it is obligatory to give something provided we have it in hand which is usually the cash,

Secondly, with her fragile economy, Pakistan has been approaching other countries and multilateral institutions for financial help. That has made “begging” an important figure of her political dialog in which her citizens regret that their country has to “beg” for foreign aid that requires persistent demanding which is annoying. Since we are Beggars by birth and always keep going around with begging bowl in hand, begging has become an industry of various kinds in the country. Not only  that it is has become an organize business but an export item to other countries which is more shameful because civilized countries has stopped issuing visa to Pakistani citizens.

I can only wish if our elected representative have some vision to foresee what will happen to this country if the begging continues

Thirdly, Widespread poverty which has to be elevated,

Pakistan’s poverty rate is high and has increased in recent years from 40.2 percent in FY23 to 40.5 percent in FY24. Large family size is one of the primary determinants of poverty level across the country. Population has to be controlled at war footing because large population size with higher growth rates is problematic due to the low level of human capital.  Pakistan’s Human Development Index (HDI) value for 2023-2024 is 0.544, and its global ranking is 161 out of 191 countries (what a shame) because of low  level and poor-quality education, and

Fourth and final factor is the income disparity which is so wide that it is hard for the poor to bridge the gap hence, they are forced to sell what ever they possess (including their vote which is very precious commodity for them during the election times), beg or steal.  

Can democracy stop:

Begging Business?

Increase education rate (when people are not interested in reading writing, and we also want to keep them illiterate so that they cannot ask for their rights? Afterall, we need people to do low level jobs in big landlord farmhouses, their big bangles and even bigger kitchens,

Elevate poverty especially in the presence of programs like BISP which is another form of begging?

Reduce economic disparity when richer are getting richer and poor are getting poorest and above all

Can democracy reduce our population rate?

The answer to all the above 5 question is ABSOLUTELY NOT

Because all these question are related with unlawful business of the uneducated electable who hold such businesses that flourishes under the sham democratic rule because those who hold such business are voters of some bigwigs who get their share in the begging money especially the money coming from Middle Eastern countries.

What democracy is doing here?

Dear readers, now ask yourself

Do we need democracy? or are we are insulting democracy? or To hell with democratic system? choice is yours.

See you next week. Take care, Bye.

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