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Defying the Fake - Shafqat Writes

Defying the Fake?

Hi readers!

Nima Davani: the best world class provider of client services especially the buying and selling in real state, once said,

“When you see the Genuine, you don’t deal with the Fake anymore”.

This has made it the topic for my today’s blog.

Dear readers! if you look at the picture below,

It is a flying aircraft showing vapors trail behind

There is nothing inaccurate in this picture. In scientific terms, it is called “contrail” which you have seen many a times in the clear blue sky behind an Aero plane flying over there.

However, some people believe that the visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a concealed (covert) operation: the details of which are not to be shared with the public.

Chemtrail conspiracy theory is, therefore, an erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails seen in the morning sky behind the high-flying aircrafts consist of chemical or biological agents sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.

Contrails are formed  when water vapors and fine dust particulates from burning jet fuel freeze into ice crystal at 35000 feet above the ground level in the upper atmosphere. If the humidity there is low, these ice crystals disperse quickly but under higher humidity, the crystals persist and form visible vapor trails over large areas of sky. The difference in humidity thus explains why some Aero planes have seen producing vapor trails and the others do not. Look at the picture below.

The image is showing some shorter and thinner lines of vapors, alongside longer and thicker lines.

What prompted me to blog on this topic was a post appeared on Facebook on July 15th,  2022 under the title,

“Post comparing chemtrails and contrails shows two examples of contrails”.

The above-mentioned image was accompanied by this post and showed the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. However, the fact is that both the trails visible in the image are contrails and none is chemtrail.

Both appeared different because of the difference in altitude and the level of humidity.  Under high humidity, the vapor trails last longer and end up converting into cirrus clouds (a genus of high cloud made of ice crystals which typically appear as delicate and wispy with white strands and are formed when warm, dry air rises, overthrowing the water vapor sitting onto the rocky or metallic dust particles at high altitudes which are later converted into thin layers of cirrus clouds: (I have already describes these clouds in details in one of the blogs on Atmospheric Rivers), which are short, detached and hair-like and are found at high altitudes. It is highly unlikely that any of the acclaimed chemicals in these clouds would even reach the ground level because they are at high altitudes. However, the Facebook post posted the image considering the two trails as contrails and chemtrail, which is not the case.

The Full Fact who check false pictures, videos, and stories posted on Face book ( claimed that,

“both of the vapor trails in the image are examples of condensation trails or contrails which are formed when water vapor produced at high altitudes by Aero plane engines freezes as it is released into the cold air surrounding the aircraft. These frozen vapors leaves a trail of tiny ice crystals, which depending upon the humidity of the air, either change directly from a solid to a gas and become invisible after a few minutes, or remain as water droplets or ice crystals, creating the white lines often seen in the sky, which can remain visible for several hours”.

The difference of thickness and thinness of lines is not because the trails are caused by different substances, but because the appearance of contrails can be affected by a number of different factors: humidity being one of them. The science magazine Scientific American states, “Depending on a plane’s altitude, the temperature, and humidity of the atmosphere, contrails may vary in their thickness, extent and duration.”

The post and image hatched the conspiracy which claims that white lines of the vapors left behind the aero planes are evidence of chemicals being sprayed either to spread poison or control weather whereas the fact is that both vapor trails in the image are examples of contrails, with the difference in appearance likely due to altitude and humidity.

Full Fact wrote this article to counter that conspiracy as part of their “fact checking work”.

The  article says, “that a Facebook post has shared an image of two white vapor trails in the sky, which according to them showed “the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail that can be used as an evidence of

chemicals being sprayed either to spread poison or control the weather.

It further says, “that under high altitude, chemtrails do not exist, and we have written about this conspiracy theory several times before as part of our work identifying online misinformation. In fact, both of the vapor trails in the image are examples of condensation trails or (contrails) which are formed when water vapor produced at high altitudes by Aero plane engines freezes as it is released into the cold air surrounding the aircraft.

The frozen vapor leaves a trail of tiny ice crystals which, depending on the humidity of the air, either change directly from a solid to a gas and become invisible after a few minutes, or remain as water droplets or ice crystals, creating the white lines often seen in the sky, which can remain visible for several hours.

The image shared on Facebook shows what appears to be a shorter, thinner lines of vapors, alongside a longer, thicker lines. In reality this difference is not because the vapor trails are caused by different substances, but because the appearance of contrails can be affected by a number of different factors. 

One misconception among the followers of the theory is that early morning chemtrails encourage greater cloud cover later in the day but this can be explained by the natural process of convection. This is the result of the sun warming the ground, causing warm air to rise and condensed into clouds later in the day. This is what the Meteorological office says.

Dear readers! perception is a mechanism to see and interpret an object by different people. In simple words, it is a process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, checking, and reacting to sensory stimuli or data” and is the most important aspect of life of a person, family and/or of an organization. Many problems can arise due to perception adulterated with “distortions”. People with distorted perception can change, twist, or exaggerate something that appear different from the way it really is meaning thereby, that it reflects the opposite of the true characteristics of everything that a person with distorted perception see or experience.

Perception is always changing. It is unreliable and not true to our self-whereas the person with distorted perception perceives it as permanent, reliable and under our control, which is not true and has been the root cause of many problems like the one which is being reported here. More can be read about this to learn how to check the mess of fake news created on Facebook especially in our beloved PAK(istan) now a days.  What do  you think dear readers? 

Please follow the Full Fact and do part of your job,

Thankyou for reading this. Please like it and share it in your community.

That’s all for now dear readers.

See you next week, Till then, take care, Bye

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