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China plans to build Moon base at the lunar south pole

Hi readers!

Here is another wounder of technology

Andrew Jones: a freelance space journalist reported on September 10th, 2024, that China plans to build Moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035. According to him, China has unveiled her detailed plan to establish a permanent moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035: a bold move that emphasizes the nation’s determinations, motivation and drives in space exploration. (The picture above is Gatty image of the proposed Moon base).

The project, known as the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) and is being developed in collaboration with Russia aiming at constructing a series of bases both on the lunar surface and in orbit.  (Beyond our comprehension, isn’t it?). The base will be built in two phases, with the first phase focused on robotic construction and the second phase creating an extensive lunar network that will support long-term human habitation by the middle of the century.

For details, pl. visits the following website

China plans to build moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035 | Space

China has revealed that her Moon-base plans will be rolled out in two distinct phases that will eventually create a series of lumps on the lunar surface and in orbit. Both the phases will be intended to complete as a basic lunar garrison about a decade from now.

The initial roadmap for the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) was unveiled in June 2021. Both the partners plan to build a basic robotic moon base through five super heavy-lift rocket launches from 2030 to 2035, however, China has now taken the lead in the project and revealed more advanced, two-phase plans for the ILRS at the second International Deep Space Exploration Conference in the Chinese province of Anhui in Sept. 5, 2024.

The first phase will be completed around 2035 near the lunar south pole, and the extended model will be built around 2050, said Wu Yanhua, chief designer of the Chinese deep space exploration project in a chat with the media. Pease visit the following site to watch the video that unveils Moon base plans.

China unveils video of its moon base plans, which weirdly includes a NASA space shuttle | Space

The extended model will be a comprehensive lunar station network that will use lunar orbit station as its central hub and the south pole station as its primary base. Both will include exploration lumps on the lunar equator and the far side of the Moon stated the state media outlet Xinhua.  

The ILRS will be powered by solar, radioisotope and nuclear generator. The future infrastructure will include high-speed Moon to Earth and Lunar Surface communication networks, lunar vehicles like a hopper, an unmanned long-range vehicle and pressurized and unpressurized crewed rovers.

Mike Wall: a senior space writer reported on October 24th, 2023, that

China is planning to recruits people from Pakistan and Belarus for its planned moon base: a statement that is considered “endorsing China’s Moon plans”

The project Director also stated that the extended ILRS model would help lay the foundation for future crew landings on Mars.

During the conference, Senegal became the 13th country to sign up to the project. NASA is also leading Artemis: NASA’s plan to land the first woman and first person of color (Any person who is not “white) on the Moon and establish a long-term presence there which is a parallel but separate program to return people to the Moon. Both China and NASA aim to put astronauts on the moon before the end of the decade.

The first phase of the Chinese deep space exploration project is to be completed probably by 2035 and will be the first base between the Earth and the Moon (cislunar base) built near the lunar south pole.

According to the state news agency Xinhua, China also plans to build a scientific research station on the Moon in “about 10 years,” in the region of the Moon’s south pole.

Did you realize dear readers how China is becoming a superpower?

She is capable of making a base on the Moon and in the orbit just because they believe in hard and practical work while we believe in sloganeering and keep inventing them day in and day out: the difference is poles apart. How can we bridge the gap? Think about that.

See you next week.

Take care, bye.

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