Hi readers! India.com on December 18, 2024, published a story titled “Saudi Arabia hits JACKPOT, discovers white gold in her oil fields; what it means for the kingdom’s oil-rich economy”? Lithium (also called white gold for its rarity) is a chemical element which is so soft that it can be cut with a kitchen knife. It…
Why some people says that antibiotics don’t affect them?
Hi readers! Happy new year. Here is me, back after knee transplant surgery. Feeling better with support of your good wishes and prayers to God Almighty. Thank you for this goodwill gesture. Dear readers, do know what is a superbug? A superbug is a microorganism that has become resistant to multiple antibiotics or other antimicrobials which…
Democracy! What democracy?
Hi readers! Democracy: the word that we have been listening since our childhood has not yet been understood in letter and spirit and that’s why the word has been grossly misused in our society. Social media is an added new tool to abuse this word. Provocative use of abusive and filthy language in our society…
Spider venom and heart attack!
Hi readers Live Science on October 16th, 2024, published a story by Emly Cooke: a health news writer based in London saying, “a molecule found in spider venom can reverse tissue damage after heart attack but, only the clinical trial will test whether the laboratory made molecule found in spider venom can do this? Please…
Killer electrons and space weather
Hi readers! Here is some other interesting information for you. The picture above is showing Electrons in a Van Allen radiation belt (blue) are triggered by whistler waves (purple) to rain down (red) toward the north pole. Source: Zhang, et al./Nature Communications, 2022 Robert Lea: a space science journalist in the U.K, published on October 8th, 2024,…
McDonald’s Burger and bacterial infection: Be careful eaters and eateries
Hi readers! Are you found of eating McDonald’s burgers? If yes, please be care full. Nicoletta Lanese: a health channel editor at Live Science has reported on October 23rd, 2024, that nearly 50 people got ill, and one died due to infection caused by a bacterium Escherichia coli (seen in the picture above), commonly called…
The waters becomes corrupt and the air infected: How the ancient Greeks and Romans viewed pollution and what they did about it?
Hi readers! doesn’t it sound strange that water is corrupt? Yes, it does but why and how? Let me explain it through the viewpoint of ancient Greeks and Romans. Live Science published a story about three days ago, written by Konstantine Penegyres about what the Roman and Greeks taught the world regarding the environment For details,…
Something new from Open Artificial intelligence(AI)
Hi readers! Get your notebook ready to take notes of what’s going to come out from the AI bag? A new series of models of GPT 5? Just read the blog which I am posting knowing full well that you know what are Chat GPT’s? Dear readers! hold your breath, it’s a new series of…
Scientists have mapped a fruit fly’s brain.
Hi readers! Do you know that we as a nation are expert in fly hitting and keep hitting them the whole day because we have nothing else to do or we lack the capacity to do some productive work. However, there are people around us who could do things having the capacity to surprise the…
China plans to build Moon base at the lunar south pole
Hi readers! Here is another wounder of technology Andrew Jones: a freelance space journalist reported on September 10th, 2024, that China plans to build Moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035. According to him, China has unveiled her detailed plan to establish a permanent moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035: a…