Artificial meat! It looks like meat, feels like meat and it is meat, although it’s never been near a living, breathing animal. Instead, artificial or “cultured” meat is grown from stem cells in giant
Do Plants talk to each other?
Yes! Why not? Just see the figure below as seeing is believing. Mustard plants respond to airborne danger indicators released by another plant: courtesy Aratani et al., Nature. Hi readers! Do you believe in what you are seeing above? Amazing, isn’t it? فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ And what blessing (and actions) of Allah will you…
A Leaf that looks like a Tree
The plant is prevalent in the steep hillsides of rainforests in Western Sumatra, but it is cultivated in Botanic gardens worldwide. It is short-lived possessing the largest unbranched
World’s Biggest R&D Vertical Farm Opens in Abu Dhabi
The tech-based vision of food security is being practically translated into reality more quickly that one can anticipate. The initiative is taken by no one else but UAE: The United Arab
Agriculture in a Desert Country: A Shock or Promethean Reality
Hi readers! If I ask you Is Saudi Arabia an agricultural country? You will probably laugh aloud as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with: Diverse, barren and harsh climate,
How much do we know about “Agricultural Biodiversity” and its Relationship with Food Security?
“It is impossible to talk about slowing change without talking about reducing CO2 emission, equally it is impossible to talk about adapting to climate without considering how we will feed ourselves,
Agriculture and Digitalization of Agriculture? Can we achieve something inBetween?
Yes, readers we can achieve a lot without looking towards Government because Agriculture is a private business. If we believe in ourselves. we are only few steps hanged back our
Digitalization of Agriculture in Pakistan: Where, When, and How?
Hi readers, how are your agricultural concepts now? Hope much clarified and if not yet, then something is missing in my narrative. Please correct me through your valuable.
Agriculture Pt-2: Talk about Money, not Plants?
Hi readers, hope you enjoyed the first article on agriculture. Here is the second part. Bill &Melinda Gates says, “Investment in agriculture are the best weapons against hunger
Agriculture Pt-1: Is it SO Easy?
“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles away from the corn field.” US President Eisenhower, address at Bradley University, Peoria