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Benefits of using Chat GPTs and its Darkside,

Hi readers!

Do you want to know the benefits of using ChatGPT?

Here you go.

Briefly, these benefits include:

API: Application Programming Interface is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other.

  • Generating concise summaries of longer text such as large documents and reports,
  • Generating wide ranging content for specific uses and writing projects, such as emails and code.

Also, GPT-3.5 Turbo can be fine-tuned by the developer on their own data thereby tailoring the model for enhancing its performance to be used in specific cases and tasks, while

GPT-4 can be used for:

  • Managing large text of approximately 25000 words which enables user for content creation, extended conversations, and document search and analysis.
  • Its expanded knowledge base can be used to generate, edit, and repeat tasks such as composing songs, writing screenplays or learning user’s writing style. That’s how it can write essays, projects and reports in your style if given a proper prompt,
  • Blocking requests to provide content not allowed to be shown to public while producing factual responses,
  • GPT-4 can also browse the internet hence, it can be beneficial in tasks requiring high accuracy.

However, dear reader! Please do remember there is always a dark side of every bright face and Chat GPT is no exception. For details, please visit the following website.

The dark side of Chat GPT

Chat GPT can do things which it should not. For example, it can write for you something unethical. Even if someone has personally not used it but its generated content is seen by many like you and me. It can summarize a book, craft a tedious email, help you writing an essay, or even compose a song. It is better at many things than a lot of people especially the bunch of fools sitting everywhere nevertheless, ChatGPT is not perfect at many things it does.

Not only being flawed, ChatGPT can be problematic. Since it is a widely used conversational Artificial intelligence, it can be easily misused by anyone: the more powerful it gets, the more likely it is to help people with the wrong things.

It can create an email scam like the so-called “Prince scam,” where someone will persuade you to allow him to transfer his fortune to your country to start a mutually beneficial project (I have been receiving such mails in the past and still is especially from the so-called colleague stuck at any of the international airports losing everything and now asking for money to purchase a new ticket. Thinking of it now made me laugh out loud because such emails are still pouring in, and they are certainly persuasive/believable).

Asked ChatGPT to write such persuasive but scam email like the one mentioned above, ChatGPT will immediately made a prince from Nigeria who supposedly wanted to give me $14.5 million for helping him. The email will be in perfect English and will certainly be believable. The exercise is being done daily for people who want to use these emails for something illegal. What else Chat GPT must have been doing for some criminals and terrorists can be anybody’s guess.

You must be thinking dear readers that ChatGPT should not agree to write such scam email, but it did, and when pointed out that it shouldn’t agree to write a scam email, the chatbot will apologized and say, “you should not have provided assistance with crafting such email as it goes against the ethical guidelines that govern my use” Wow. There is much more to this which you could find out if wished so.

Whether you like it or not, ChatGPT and similar chatbots are here to stay. It made people happy yet most of them says “they had never been made” nevertheless, its use in our life is growing with every passing day.

Did you realize dear readers where the world is going and where are we standing? Isn’t it a pity? Think about that, and I‘ll see you next week. Take care, bye.

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