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Decision:  who make it and who are indecisive.

Tony Robbins: an American author and coach says. “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”. Hi readers! You must have heard and used the word Decision countless times. Do you really know what it actually means?  Please read details at link below Decision making is a process that happens…

Plant Talk - Shafqat Writes

Do Plants talk to each other?

Yes! Why not? Just see the figure below as seeing is believing. Mustard plants respond to airborne danger indicators released by another plant: courtesy Aratani et al., Nature. Hi readers! Do you believe in what you are seeing above? Amazing, isn’t it? فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ And what blessing (and actions) of Allah will you…


See Through Wood. Wow!

Hi readers! don’t be surprised just visit the link below! See-Through Wood Is Stronger Than Plastic and Tougher Than Glass | Scientific American Transparent wood material is being exploited for smartphone screens, insulated windows, and more. Amazing, isn’t it? This is an article published in Scientific American for which they gave credit to USDA forest…