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Australia for Immigration - Shafqat Writes

Australia: a paradise for immigrants?

Hi readers!

Don’t get excited about the title. Read the whole post and you will be more excited after that.

Australia is a friend of the United States with whom she shared democratic values, common interests and cultural affinities powered with economic, academic, and people-to-people contacts.

The primary reason for this bonding was the US age old association with Australia that was initially based on the US need for a partner who could fight with Japanese in the Pacific in the World War II and also during the Cold War to help contain the Soviet Union. Australia help her achieving both.

Secondly, invoking ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, United States) treaty in 1951 that remains the focus of Australian security arrangements.

The trust thus developed is culminated in a new security partnership in the Asia-Pacific where UK and US will provide Australia with the technology and capability to deploy nuclear-powered submarines: a paradigm shift in strategy and policy across the region.

There could be three possible triggers for this partnership:

US exit from Afghanistan, which raised doubts in the minds of those who matter about US commitment in the region,

Eagerness of Britain to be more involved in the Asia-Pacific especially after her exit from the European Union, and finally

Australian security concerns related with Chinese influence in Asia Pacific.

The pact address concerns of all the three partners as it involves sharing of information in a number of areas including:

Intelligence and quantum technology (that exploit the properties identified by quantum physics to acquires new capabilities in computing, communications, and sensing)

Acquisition of cruise missiles, and

Building the nuclear submarines in Adelaide (South Australia) which is the primary focus aided by US and UK consultancy and technology.

What does this long proem mean?

The Australian Government engages with Pakistan in the areas of security cooperation including trainings on:

Defense and law enforcement,

Human rights, and

Economic reform and development

through an active program of official level dialogue and engagement.

The Australian embassy in Pakistan is very vibrant and Pakistani who are interested in visiting Australia goes there as and when they need travel and/or immigration information. This provoked me to blog on this aspect so that necessary information can be shared at one place with those who need it.

Australia: unlike USA is a continent comprising countries such as Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, The Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand and Palau and has much better quality of life compared to USA and thus is a better place to live.

Four of the States Capital cities comprising Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide are all in the top 10 most livable cities in the world with none of the American cities on that list.

One of the reason for this fact is that Australia has some of the highest living standards, and it is much safer to live there as the crime rate is much lower in Australia than in the USA (Australia ranks 47th while the USA ranks 30th according to their crime rates). It is rare for police officers to carry guns due to the low crime rate.

Australians are the richest people in the world, with an average wealth three times more of an average American as per report published in January 2023.

Both Australia and USA are large land masses, predominantly English speaking, and mostly with an ancient native population. Both countries are democracies and both practice meritocracies, are developed countries having great living standards, high-quality education systems and career opportunities.

Australia provides facility of Medicare (Health insurance based) for medical services with lower rates compared to that of USA as she offers healthcare services at higher costs.

The cost of studies and living in Australia is lower than USA nevertheless, USA and Australia are among the top five countries preferred  by international students for higher education. Due to 5 to 10 % less cost of living and 30% lower cost of housing in Australia, most of the American preferred to live there as income after taxes is better in Australia compared to USA. 

Australians are hardworking, possess relaxed and easy-going culture, and are known for their mate ship (a stronger and tougher relationship than friendship, having been forged in adversity as opposed to friendship that is entirely unfettered by a sense of obligation) with a strong focus on enjoying life and having a good time.

Australia is a fantastic place to live for foreigners as the advantages of living in Australia outweigh the disadvantages. The climate, work-life balance, safety and numerous wide-ranging outdoor activities that can be enjoyed during the weekends is a big attraction.

Australians are among the 40 countries that fall under the Visa Waiver Program of the United States which allow them to travel to the US for tourism and business. Unlike many other countries, they do not need a visitor visa to enter the USA.

Australian tourist visas are valid for 12 months from the date they are issued, and during this time visitors are allowed to leave and re-enter Australia as and when necessity may arise. One can stay in Australia for up to a period of 3 months (90 days) at any one time inside the 12 months the  visa is valid for. Australian visas are recorded electronically as visa label in the passport to enter or stay in Australia are not required.

Applying for Australian Permanent Residency (PR) is a lengthy process. Only professional consultants can help complete the process. Generally, the skilled migration program is more open and flexible due to low population (25 million compared to 68 million in UK) and serious shortage of labour compared to that in UK and other countries. It can take 6.5 to 8 months to process Australian PR visa application.

To apply for Australian PR from Pakistan via General Skilled Migration Program required 6 step comprising:

Eligibility check,

Skills Assessment,

Points test,

English Test and

Expression of interest.

The most in demand skills are:

Registered Nurses,

Secondary School Teachers,

Software and Applications Programme, and


The fastest way to get Australian citizenship is:

Living in Australia for a period of four years with absences of less than 12 months,

Living in Australia for the last 12 months as a permanent visa holder with absences of less than 90 days,

Being of good character, and

Having an adequate knowledge of responsibilities and privileges as an Australian citizen.

There are different types of Australian Immigration Visas e.g., Skilled Visa, Partner Visa, or Business Visa: each type would have a different cost. The overall amount for migrating to Australia under all these categories ranges from $8000 to $15000.

Being Australian citizen means

Hassle-free travel and re-entry,

Excellent consular support while overseas,

Federal government and defense jobs,

Immigrant can become even the Prime Minister of Australia,

Visa-free travel to 181 countries,

Financial assistance for education, and

Protection from deportation.

Getting visitor visa is the easiest way for entering into Australia which can be applied from within Australia and abroad and is valid for up to three years and allows a maximum stay of 3, 6 or 12 months but it depends on the background of the visa holder. 

The maximum age limit to apply for PR in Australia is 45 years. The TSS (a temporary visa), permitted visa holder to live in Australia while working full-time for the sponsoring employer in the nominated position. Applicants for a TSS visa can include dependent family members in their application.

TSS Visa holders who have been working in Australia with the same employer for three years may become eligible to apply for Permanent Residency through the Transitional Stream. To be eligible to transition from TSS to permanent residency, the occupation must be on the medium long-term occupation list.

Selecting a city to live in Australia depends upon what one is looking for? For example, select: Adelaide for best food and drink, Brisbane for best rural escapes, Canberra, best for families., Hobart, best for property affordability., Melbourne: best for culture., Perth: best for climate., and Sydney: best for job opportunities.

In addition to all these factors, the upcoming new era of Australia/US relations will add more charm to Australia that will attract more immigrant at time

when details of AUKUS will be transpired through price tag of submarines that ranges between AU$268 to AU$386 billion with an expected sudden increase in prices as it usually happens with any cutting-edge defense technology like e.g., the price tag of French submarines has already increased from AU$ 40 to AU$ 66 billion before any construction start.

and will provide an additional boost to the Australian economy that will enable her to absorb shock in case Australian investment to AUKUS exceed certain limits.

John Stuart Mi: the English philosopher, in one of his essays “On liberty” published in 1859, mentioned that one very simple principle to govern a society is, “that the sole end for which mankind are warranted individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number is self-protection.

That’s all for now dear reader. Hope you will enjoy the blog.

See you next week,

Take care,


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