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Why has democracy failed in many countries?

Hi readers!

Pakistan is an ideological country but, according to her founding father, Pakistan is constitutionally a democratic (parliamentary) republic in which  state power is vested in a system which is commonly known as democracy

that prevent rules by autocrats, guarantee fundamental rights, allow for a relatively high level of political equality, rarely make war on each other, shows ways: to resolve different views and conflicts peacefully, respect for human dignity, freedom to act, speak and think freely, equality before the law and safe and secure community.  Hence, the basic outcome of democracy should be a government accountable to and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.

Dear readers! just look around and see if we are fulfilling these obligations? Certainly not and it is precisely for these reasons that Pakistan is considered un-governable through democracy due to its inherent faults which are placed below:

Democracy is a majoritarian in nature and lacks political stability because governments are frequently elected and so does changes in leaders and policies which contribute to instability,

It is all about political competition and power play, there is no scope for morality,

So many people have to be consulted that leads to delays while elected leaders do not know the best interest of the people, while ordinary people are unaware of what’s good for them. They count  elected people and those who elect them and never weigh the capability and credibility of both. 

Here lies the core problem because in parliamentary democracy, credibility and capability doesn’t but electability matters which leads to and contributes to corruption, inefficiency, the role of anti-social elements, economic and social inequalities, casteism (adherence to the cast system) and communalism (political organization based on federated communities: all these evils are prevailing in our society).

Dear readers! ask yourself a question? Is this not the scenario that we have been watching for the last 76 year? Do we still believe that democracy is the best system for Pakistan? Have you ever realized why it is said “democracy is the best revenge”?  Just think about the motives behind this slogan. They are clearer now that ever before. It is a game not of millions but of billions and is that not the reason that in most of the democratic countries, people are not satisfied with this system? Look at the figures below which are self-explanatory:

Source data: Pew Research Center, 18 June 2024. Pakistan is not included in this survey.

So, Pakistan is not the only one in this world. She has many companions.

Why are so many people not satisfied with democracy?

Historians have given the reasons centuries ago

Plato: an ancient Greek philosopher of the 5th century BCE

Claims that democracy is a danger due to excessive freedom: a system in which everyone has a right to rule. The selfish people who care nothing for the people but are only motivated by their own personal desires to attain power.

In ancient Greek, these people were called demagogue: political leader who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, or other rhetoric that tends to encourage fanatical popularity. Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct or threaten to do so:

This is exactly what has happened in Pakistan.

Historian Reinhard Luthin defined demagogue as “a politician skilled in oratory, flattery and invective (abuse), misleading in discussing vital issues, promising everything to everybody, appealing to the passions rather than the reason of the public, and arousing racial, religious, and class prejudices.

Demagogues have often exploited the lower classes and less educated people in society. While democracies are designed to ensure freedom for all and popular control over government authority, demagogues gain power by using popular support to undermine the same freedom and laws.

Dear readers! Just look around and observe carefully

Is that not what is happening in Pakistan?  Can you Identify  demagogue in Pakistan?

Plato’s view is that to be morally strong and truly happy, we must believe in four fundamental virtues of life that are wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice. Do you think our politicians (demagogue) are practicing this? The answer is a big NO. We are witnessing the worst of all the four. What could be our fate can be anybody’s guess.

Certainly, democracy is the best revenge.

See you next week. Take care, Bye.

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