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The end of human race?

Hi readers! Do you remember in June 2022, I blogged:

Is artificial intelligence a threat for humanity?

You can read the full article on the link below.

I mentioned several concerns of various authorities of the world on this topic which are placed below.

An unexpected explosion of superintelligence will be a big surprise for the human race not yet prepared to face this. If a first-generation computer completes a task in 6 months, any of the researchers of AI, capable of rewriting its algorithms will double its speed enabling it to complete the task in 3 months. Similarly, the time for each generation will shrink and the system will undergo an unprecedentedly large number of generations of improvement in a short time interval, jumping from subhuman to superhuman performance in all relevant areas (a proven reality),

Samuel Butler: English author of the Utopian satirical novel “Erewhon” expressed serious concern

“That the upshot is simply a question of time, but that time will come only when the machines hold real supremacy over the world and its inhabitants. No person of a truly philosophic mind would be able to question this even for a moment”,

Alan Turing: an English mathematician, wrote in 1951, in an article titled Intelligent Machinery: A Heretical Theory that “AGI would likely take control of the world as they became more intelligent than human beings”. This means, the first ultra-intelligent machine would be last invention that man need ever made provided the machine itself tell human how to control it?,

IJ Good: British mathematician stated in 1965 that, “the risks would be underappreciated”,

Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, said about superintelligence in 2010, that Pre-programming and controlling a superintelligence machine with a full set of human’s intelligence would be a hard task because the inherent ability of super-intelligent machine will resist shutting off or stop it to perform its goal drilled into its DNA,

Marvin Minsky: an American cognitive and computer scientist and IJ Good himself expressed concerns that super-intelligent robot, nanotechnology, and engineered bio plagues are high-tech dangers to human survival,

The Economist of 9 August 2014 has already argued that “a super intelligent machine would be as alien to humans as human thought processes are to cockroaches”. Such a machine may not have humanity’s best interests at heart, and it is not obvious if it would even care about human welfare at all? A “superintelligence” can outmaneuver humans any time its goals conflict with human goals therefore, unless the superintelligence decides to allow humanity to coexist, hence:

the first superintelligence to be created will inexorably result in human extinction,

Nature warned in 2016 that “machines and robots that outperform humans across the board could self-improve beyond our control and their interests might not align with us”. The book titled “artificial intelligence: a modern approach” assesses that,

“Super-intelligence” could be the end of human race because any technology has the potential to cause harm in the wrong hands, but the problem is that with superintelligence, the wrong hands might belong to the technology itself.

Now in Express tribune on September 27th, 2023

Dr. Baker Hussain said talked about ,

“Artificial Intelligence and the end of the human race”

You can read the full article on the following link,

He say’s “We are humans and the most insecure species on Earth. Angst (fear) is our biggest enemy”.

He is of the opinion that,

We are humans:

the most intelligent species on Earth,

are masters of our destiny and

rulers of this planet,

We invented medicine:

to combat disease, weapons to kill each other and,

built cities for people to live together, atomic bomb to destroy homes and level down cities,

We know how to:

 enjoy the blessings and privileges we have in this life,

to deprive others of the same blessings and privileges,

We are saints and demons,

We have built:

skyscrapers and slums, mansions and prisons,

We are:

politicians and economists, scientists and philosophers, monarchs and dictators, warriors and plunderers but, we always need precision-guided missiles to target each other,

We have :


know how to:

spread disinformation through news and social media,

indoctrinate minds through education, and

launch a fifth-generation warfare,

We can make good look bad and bad look good.

We have a short lifespan but still, the most powerful animal and thousand times more intelligent than our closest relative: the chimpanzee.

But imagine another species, that is a thousand times more intelligent than us. Think about artificial intelligence that can guide us to our destination, answer our queries, automated cars are about to replace the cars we drive today, will soon become our personal doctor, lawyer and consultant and will outperform humans in all intellectual tasks within the next 60-70 years.

The human brain, with organic neural networks, has on average an IQ of 100. A genius may have an IQ of 140-170.

Artificial super-intelligence can have an IQ of 50,000 WaW!

“ perfect memory and unlimited analytical power this computational beast could read all of the books in the Library of Congress the first millisecond you press your finger on “enter” on the program, and then integrate all that knowledge into a comprehensive analysis of humanity’s 4000 years of intellectual journey before your next blink.”

Now imagine that this computational beast can “think and improve upon itself by designing more complicated algorithms and AI neural networks. The exponential growth in intelligence could result in an intelligence explosion with consequences we are unable to comprehend.

Is this the end of us as the most intelligent creatures on this planet? Most definitely.

What do you think dear reader?

See you next week.

Take care, Bye.

See you next week

Take care, Bye

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